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Form Builder


Volunteers are a critical part of the success of our events.  Amherstburg continues to shine as a festival leader, in part because of the generous commitment from our dedicated and hardworking volunteers.

The Volunteer Application can be completed electronically by filling out the required fields and clicking on the submit button (you will receive a confirmation email).  Alternatively, hard copies can be created by clicking the print function, located in the top right corner of this form and submitted to the Town of Amherstburg by


271 Sandwich Street, South
Amherstburg, Ontario N9V 2A5

Drop off:

266 Dalhousie St., Amherstburg

When volunteer opportunities become available with the Town of Amherstburg, a representative will contact you with available dates and times and schedule accordingly. Thank you.

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© 2020 Town of Amherstburg,

271 Sandwich Street South, Amherstburg, ON. N9V 2A5,

Phone: 519-736-0012, TTY: 519-736-9860, Email: